墨絵&日本画 梨水


墨絵/水墨画/日本画/ペットの肖像画/Ink painting/Japanese painting/新百合ヶ丘

シリーズ最後のヒマワリ The last one of this series

the last sunflower



As for the ‘Dying sunflowers’ series which had been possessed me for a while,  I drew a total eight pieces except No. 1 of the illusion that my cousin bought before I had taken its picture. The sunflowers which had modeled all the time dried up finally, but their figure was still beautiful and I could not readily throw them away. But yesterday, I finally decided to leave them. When I picked them up from a vase, they seemed to ask me to draw them more, but I threw them away to the trash box and said, “It’s thank to you, I could draw many good pictures.”

I apposed them. Yes, quite interesting!  “Someday, I am going to exhibit with a choice of three or four pieces of them.” My late aunt who was also a sumi-e artist used to say that it was difficult to impress people in the flower pieces, but I feel like being able to move people with a story in this way. More than anything, I enjoyed myself. I think that it is the best.